• Welcome to the Continued Professional Development (CPD) programme and online learning site for Australian Registered Nurses to help build nursing capacity to address the healthcare needs of people with intellectual disability (ID) and/or autism (ASD) in mainstream health settings.

    The learning site is separated into different learning levels and covers six domains (modules) of content including:
    1. care imperatives
    2. communication to individuals with ASD and/or ID
    3. understanding communication from individuals with ASD and/or ID
    4. environments of care
    5. supporting positive behaviour, making things go well
    6. introduction to the NDIS
    There are 3 levels of course available to take on this site:
    • Foundational: A depository of foundational learning content (tiles, explainers, and videos) under the six domains that you may have previously viewed through membership of your professional nursing body is available online. You can self-enrol in the course to take part in a short quiz to claim hours for this level of CPD.
    • Intermediate: By registering on this learning site you have already been enrolled in the intermediate course. This content involves blocks of learning and a variety of information, videos, vignettes, interviews, activities, and further reading under the six domains. Following completion of the six intermediate modules, you can take part in a short quiz to claim hours for this level of CPD.
    • Advanced: The advanced level will build upon your learnings in foundational and intermediate. You have to complete the intermediate course to access the advanced course.

    This project was funded by the Australian Government National Disability Insurance Agency Information Linkages and Capacity Building Grant Scheme grant number 4-DW65XKD

Available courses

Take this quiz to test your knowledge and earn 1 hour of CPD training

This is the intermediate course. It will take around 4 hours to complete.

This is the advanced course, you must complete the intermediate course to enrol in this course.